New Parent Workshop
A brief overview of CPR and Choking for babies and toddlers and is offered once a month at our Pointe-Claire office.
A note from me to you:
My son at 9 months old
As a mom of four kids, I’ve had my fair share of scary moments. I have felt the panic and helplessness that can accompany an emergency with your little one. One second everyone is happy and healthy and the next your life is flashing before your eyes.
I get it, I’ve been there.
I have panicked and you probably will too.
I saved my son’s life from choking at 9 months old by having the skills to act in spite of the panic. Time gets warped in an emergency but if i had to estimate I would say it took around 10 seconds to save his life. That is what I want for you.
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In this workshop, I hope to teach you tried and tested life saving skills that you can use confidently in spite of the panic.
I hope you feel helpful instead of helpless.
I hope you use these skills to buy time for your child .
And more than anything, I hope you never have to use it.
-Dawn, founder